The Fly II (1989)


The first hour or so of this sequel to David Cronenberg’s sci-fi/body horror classic is atrocious – a misfired attempt to introduce Seth Brundle’s son as the new star of a potential franchise.The Fly II completely fails to generate any interest or sympathy towards this bland character and the antagonists are drawn far too broadly (a greedy CEO who only cares about his company’s creation, insensitive and unethical scientists, sadistic security guards, etc.). Furthermore, the film’s dreadful first half, which plays like a tepid sci-fi/action movie aimed at kids, is completely out-of-step with the grotesque horror movie that emerges in the second half.

Abrupt tonal sifts aside, that second half features some of the most spectacular practical effects and disgusting creations I’ve seen in a horror film before or since (although the final fly creature wasn’t quite as convincing as I’d like). Director Chris Walas has a sense of style and generates some tense scenes, but the film has none of the wit, originality, or insight of the original. All missing are Jeff Goldblum (unavoidable, I suppose) and Geena Davis, whose performances anchored The Fly. This sequel is all effects and no substance, though it does feature a brutally dark final scene you won’t soon forget.

Author: Ted Pillow

Ted Pillow writes. He tweets @TedPillow.

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