8 Million Ways To Die (1986)


This crime-thriller starring Jeff Bridges as an alcoholic, disgraced former cop has:

  • Andy Garcia as a Scarface-wannabe gangster who serves snow cones out of his car trunk
  • A gorgeous mid-80s Rosanna Arquette vomiting on Bridges’ crotch
  • The line of dialogue, “The streetlight makes my pussy hair glow in the dark”

The final film from underrated director Hal Ashby (who supposedly encouraged the actors to adlib everything and was fired after filming), I find 8 Million Ways to Die endearingly daft. Opening with one of the most ambitious tracking shots I’ve ever seen, the movie remains fun throughout, including a ridiculously over-the-top shootout towards the end between a bunch of screaming morons. The plot is completely illogical and threadbare (what the hell happens to Bridges’ family?), but, if not quite a hidden gem, this is certainly a worthwhile curiosity.

Author: Ted Pillow

Ted Pillow writes. He tweets @TedPillow.

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